This week’s questions:
- How many ball boys and ball girls are stationed on a tennis court during a championship match at Wimbledon?
- Where does the water in the Panama Canal originate?
- Whose likeness did First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt want carved alongside the presidential sculptures on Mount Rushmore?
- How many U.S. state capitals have two or more words in their names?
- The title of what 2001 film was taken from the Dr. Seuss book Green Eggs and Ham?
This week’s answers:
- Six–two at the net and one in each of the four corners of the court.
- In three stream- and river-fed artificial lakes–Gatun, Miraflores, and Madden (aka Alajuela). Water flows out of the canal, which is entirely above sea level, into both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.
- That of women’s rights leader Susan B. Anthony. Mrs. Roosevelt’s proposal was made in 1935 while work on Mount Rushmore was still underway.
- Nine. In alphabetical order, they are: Baton Rouge, Louisiana; Carson City, Nevada; Des Moines, Iowa; Jefferson City, Missouri; Little Rock, Arkansas; Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; St. Paul, Minnesota; Salt Lake City, Utah; and Santa Fe, New Mexico.
- “I Am Sam” starring Sean Penn, Dakota Fanning and Michelle Pfeiffer.
Source: Workman Publishing/”Page-A-Day”