AmericaJR’s Jason Rzucidlo was LIVE with Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders (D-Vermont) visited his new campaign office in northwest Las Vegas, Nevada. A self-described democratic socialist and progressive, Sanders is known for his opposition to economic inequality. On domestic policy, he broadly supports labor rights, and has supported universal and single-payer healthcare, paid parental leave, and tuition-free tertiary education. The new campaign office is located at 101 S. Rainbow Blvd, Suite 17, Las Vegas, NV 89145.
“We are not going to the let the NRA dictate gun policy in this country. Yesterday, I asked for a moment of silence for those who died in El Paso. It never occurred to me that we’d have to do that again–another moment of silence for those who have died in Dayton. It turns out there are more than 5 million assault weapons on the streets in America. That is more than the United States military has. We’re going to do everything we can to ban the sale and distribution and transfer of assault weapons in this country.”
— Sen. Bernie Sanders (D-Vermont) and Presidential Candidate
New Sanders campaign office at 101 S. Rainbow Blvd, Suite 17 in Las Vegas Volunteers and supporters Supporters waiting for Bernie’s arrival Sanders arrived shortly after 2 p.m. PT Bernie waves a giant hello to his crowd of supporters and volunteers “People can’t make it on 9-10 bucks an hour. We’ve had success in raising the minimum wage in seven states. As president, we will raise that minimum wage to at least 15 bucks an hour.” Bernie Sanders speaking to supporters and volunteers Sanders added: “We spend twice as much as the Canadians do per person on health care. They provide quality care for all people. When you are in a hospital in Canada, you pay zero because health care is a human right.”
“We’re going to pass Medicare-for-All. Last Sunday, I was in Windsor, Ontario with a bunch of folks from the Midwest who are dealing with diabetes. We were able to buy insulin in Canada… for 1/10th of the price. The same product made by the same company. We are going to stop the pharmaceutical companies from ripping off the American people. Under our Medicare-for-All proposal, nobody in America will pay over $200 per prescription.”
— Sen. Bernie Sanders (D-Vermont) and Presidential Candidate
Follow Bernie Sanders online at: http://berniesanders.com/, his Facebook and Twitter pages.
Editor’s Note: In effort to remain fair and balanced, we’ll be covering Vice President Mike Pence’s speech at the Detroit Economic Club on Wednesday.