AmericaJR’s Gloria and Jerome Rzucidlo were LIVE at Kellogg Park in downtown Plymouth, Mich. for the 2019 Plymouth Fall Festival. The Plymouth Fall Festival grew out of a community family picnic in may of 1956, sponsored by the Plymouth Rotary Club. About 500 people attended the event, held at a playground on Wing Street. May 20, 1956. Today, the festival has spread over the whole downtown area with entertainment, food vendors, service clubs, carnival rides, car show, craft show and of course, the popular BBQ Chicken Dinner that is still put on by the Plymouth Rotary.
Batman & Robin Welcome to the 2019 Plymouth Fall Festival! Famous Rotary Chicken BBQ happens on Sunday Good Humor Ice Cream truck Fun and games for the kids Saturday means Spaghetti Dinner Big Ray and the Motor City Kings Big Ray and the Motor City Kings (band)
For more information about the Plymouth Fall Festival, visit http://plymouthfallfestival.com/