Every Tuesday is a Trivia Tuesday on AmericaJR… Look for five new trivia questions and answers from the “365 Amazing Trivia Facts for 2020” calendar…
This Week’s Questions:
- Who was the first woman elected to the US Congress?
- Germany’s Historical Museum of the Palatinate houses the world’s oldest bottle of wine. How old is the wine?
- What distinguishes a cirrocumulus cloud?
- What does it mean to absquatulate?
- What kind of animal served in the Polish army’s 22nd Transport Company’s Artillery Division in World War II?
This Week’s Answers:
- Jeannette Rankin. She represented Montana in the House of Representatives from 1917 to 1919 and again from 1941 to 1943.
- It’s estimated to date back to 325 CE. It was discovered in a Roman tomb that was excavated in 1867.
- Cirrocumulus clouds are small, puffy clouds arranged regularly in rows. They appear high in the sky–20,000 to 40,000 feet above Earth–and often look like water ripples or fish scales.
- To leave abruptly. The word is a combination of three other words: abscond, squabble, and perambulate.
Source: Workman Publishing / “Page-A-Day”