Trivia Tuesday: 5 New Trivia Questions from “Page-A-Day”

365 Days of Amazing Trivia! Page-A-Day Calendar 2020 by Workman Publishing

Every Tuesday is a Trivia Tuesday on AmericaJR… Look for five new trivia questions and answers from the “365 Amazing Trivia Facts for 2020” calendar…

This Week’s Questions:

  1. What mountain is so difficult to ascend that it’s often called the “Savage Mountain”?
  2. What does the word spaghettification refer to?
  3. New York City’s Empire State Building has its own zip code. What is it?
  4. Who designed and built the world’s first automobile with an internal-combustion engine?
  5. Where are a butterfly’s taste sensors located?

This Week’s Answers:

  1. K2, the highest peak of Pakistan’s Karakoram Range. It’s the second-highest mountain in the world after Mount Everest.
  2. It’s a theoretical-physics term that refers to the process by which an object would be stretched and ripped apart upon entering a black hole.
  3. 10118. While the building is located within Manhattan’s 10001 zip code, it has been distinguished with its own code since 1980.
  4. German engineer Karl Benz, in 1885. Benz’s original car had three wheels, but he released a four-wheel automobile in 1893.
  5. On its feet. Butterflies taste plants with their feet before eating the nectar or sap.

Source: Workman Publishing / “Page-A-Day”

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