Every Tuesday is a Trivia Tuesday on AmericaJR… Look for five new trivia questions and answers from the “365 Amazing Trivia Facts for 2021” calendar…
This Week’s Questions:
- Sometimes pistachio nuts spontaneously combust. Why?
- Who is considered the patron saint of the internet?
- In 1947, the U.S. cosmetics company Max Factor introduced a beauty mask for actors who wished to cool their faces on hot studio sets; then it was repurposed as a way to alleviate the effects of a hangover. How did the mask work?
- What is the largest moon in our solar system?
- During the filming of the classic 1954 film Sabrina, two of the leads fell in love and began a relationship. Who were they?
This Week’s Answers:
- Pistachios are high in fat and low in water content, making then prone to self-heating, especially when they are tightly packed.
- Isidore of Seville. Pope John Paul II named him the patron saint of the internet in 1997.
- The mask was essentially a large, wearable ice tray–it was covered in small plastic containers meant to hold ice, which was thought to alleviate a hangover.
- Ganymede, a moon of Jupiter. It is larger than the planet Mercury and boasts its own internally generated magnetic field.
- Audrey Hepburn and William Holden. Humphrey Bogart, who also starred in the film, reportedly didn’t like Hepburn or Holden.
Source: Workman Publishing / “Page-A-Day”