AmericaJR’s Gloria and Jerome Rzucidlo were LIVE at Ford Field in Livonia, Mich. to check out the Moving Wall Vietnam Veterans Memorial. The Moving Wall is a half-size replica of the original Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C. It is engraved with the names of 58,318 men and women killed in Vietnam. In addition, it is a place to remember and reflect. The Moving Wall is free and will remain open 24-hours from August 8 – 12, 2019.
Naming over 58,000 names and ringing the bell for each one The Moving Wall Vietnam Veterans Memorial U.S. Army boots and gun Attendees at the Moving Wall display in Livonia, Mich. Map of the Vietnam Conflict
For more information about the Moving Wall Vietnam Veterans Memorial, visit https://www.ci.livonia.mi.us/Community/VietnamMovingWall.aspx