Every Tuesday is a Trivia Tuesday on AmericaJR… Look for five new trivia questions and answers from the “365 Amazing Trivia Facts for 2021” calendar…
This Week’s Questions:
- What famous person once said that puns are the “highest form of literature”?
- In 1975, three beloved works of art were stolen from the Ducal Palace (now known as the National Gallery of the Marches) in Urbino, Italy. What were the works of art?
- What were the full names of Brothers Grimm, the duo behind the classic fairy-tale and folklore collection Grimm’s Fairy Tales?
- Who is Popeye the Sailor’s achnemesis in the classic animated TV show and comics?
- What bestselling author debuted with a novel titled Going Home in 1973?
This Week’s Answers:
- Alfred Hitchcock, the legendary creator of thriller films such as Psycho and Rear Window.
- Raphael’s The Mute Woman and Piero della Francesca’s Flagellation of Christ and the Madonna di Senigallia. Fortunately, the paintings were later recovered.
- Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm.
- Bluto, later redubbed Brutus.
- Danielle Steel, who is known for her bestselling romance novels like The Promise and Heartbeat.
Source: Workman Publishing / “Page-A-Day”