Every Tuesday is a Trivia Tuesday on AmericaJR… Look for five new trivia questions and answers from the “365 Amazing Trivia Facts for 2021” calendar…
This Week’s Questions:
- What’s the difference between a meteoroid, a meteor, and a meteorite?
- Who was the first woman inducted into the National Baseball Hall of Fame?
- In visual art, what does the term pentimento mean?
- What is someone with globophobia afraid of?
- The oldest known pumpkin seeds in the world were found in Mexico. How old were they?
This Week’s Answers:
- Before a piece of cometary or asteroidal material enters Earth’s atmosphere, it is a meteoroid; once it enters Earth’s atmosphere and begins to burn up, it’s a meteor; when the remains of the meteoroid hit Earth’s surface, it’s called a meteorite.
- Effa Manley (1897-1981). She was inducted into the National Baseball Hall of Fame in 2006.
- Pentimento refers to evidence of an underlying image in a work of art that suggests the artist painted over an earlier work.
- Balloons. A globophobic person would not fare well at a children’s birthday party.
- The seeds dated to between 7000 and 5500 BCE.
Source: Workman Publishing / “Page-A-Day”